I’m Mike, a full-time business manager for an IT company who is serious about real estate and fitness. After college, I moved to New York City with the hope of working on Wall Street. I ended up finding work as a marketing coordinator for an IT company instead of working in finance. Even though I really loved my job there, I was still looking for ways to break into the business field.
Luckily, I recently decided to get certified as a Personal Trainer through the National Council on Strength and Fitness. I thought that I could start my own business as a fitness trainer, I could earn more money than I would at my current job, and make an even greater impact in the world.
I had always been passionate about helping people live their best lives which is partly why I find being a PT appealing. This blog was created to help inspire men to get out of their man cave and live life to the fullest. That means playing on all fields including fitness, business and personal life.
We can truly have it all inside and out of the man cave if we make the effort. Enjoy the blog!